Company Policy

SAFINA, a.s. is company with a comprehensive production programme in the field of recycling, processing and manufacturing products made of precious and non-ferrous metals. The Company’s activity builds on a long-standing tradition since 1860 and strategically concentrates on developing new production programmes and technologies, environmentally-friendly approaches and sustainable development, with its eminent focus on legitimate and ethical sources and ensuring that they are not associated with crime, armed conflicts or human rights abuses of any kind.
SAFINA, a.s. company policy is in accordance with the organization context and supports the strategic focus of the company, as well as its focus on the market and customers. The company commits to maintain and continuously improve the effectivity of the quality management systems in accordance with the international standards ČSN EN ISO 9001, ČSN EN ISO 14001, ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025
- Use the mineral resources and energy efficiently and actively participate in the acquisition of precious non-ferrous metals from waste materials.
- Continually strive to reduce the environmental impacts of your products, activities and services.
- Define competencies and increase the professional competence of workers.
- Ensure the impartiality and consistency of calibration laboratory activities.
The Company and its every employee are required to adopt the following Quality Management Principles and to actively perform them:
- Continuously improve the quality, reliability and safety of the company’s products and services.
- Maximize customer satisfaction.
- Improve processes by seeking and adopting corrective and preventive measures.
- Comply with legislative requirements.
The Company expects consistent application of the quality management principles by all employees, above all to increase customer satisfaction, consolidate market position, increase turnover, improve process efficiency, and minimize complaints.
This policy is reviewed regularly for sustainability and provides a framework for setting and reviewing the quality objectives.
SAFINA, a.s. (“Company“) is a Czech based company with a comprehensive production programme in the field of recycling, processing and manufacturing products made of precious and non-ferrous metals. The Company’s activity builds on a long-standing tradition since 1860 and strategically concentrates on developing new production programmes and technologies, environmentally-friendly approaches and sustainable development, with its eminent focus on legitimate and ethical sources and ensuring that they are not associated with crime, armed conflicts or human rights abuses of any kind.
In 2016 the Company introduced and adopted this Corporate Policy on Responsible Supply Chain of Precious Metals (“Corporate Policy”), being a supply chain policy based on the model policy as set out in Annex I and Annex II to the OECD Guidance and the LBMA Guidance. This Corporate Policy sets out the Company’s responsibility for conducting risk based due diligence, screening and monitoring of Company transactions and the internal governance of persons and corporate bodies involved in purchasing, supplying, refining or other transactions of the Company associated with 3TG.
This Corporate Policy is publicly available on and applies to all employees, officers, directors and bodies within the Company. By complying with the procedures and principles described in this Corporate Policy, we, the Company, demonstrate our commitment to respecting human rights, cultivating transparent supply chains and to avoiding contributing to conflict through our sourcing practices.
The Company will not tolerate any failure of responsible persons involved in the 3TG metals supply chain to comply with this Corporate Policy, and any breach of this Corporate Policy may result in appropriate legal action by the Company.
SAFINA, a.s. expects that supplier will act in accordance with OECD Due Diligence Guidance and SAFINA, a.s. will not establish business relationships with suppliers which acts against above stated principles.
Supplier is aware that SAFINA, a.s. is monitoring supply chain regularly and continuously and would immediately stop any kind of cooperation if any form of abuse stated above would be identified by SAFINA,a.s..
SAFINA, a.s. has an open door supply chain policy to report concerns regarding circumstances as they relate to the supply chain. The concern shall be sent to or the concerned party can contact any of bellow mentioned Contact person directly. The concern received will be documented and investigated, and if applicable, corrective actions will be implemented in accordance with the RMI standards.
General documents
Responsible Supply Chain documents (RMI)
Contact person responsible for conflict minerals reporting:
Daniel Chvátal
Tel.: +420 241 024 465
Fax: +420 241 024 311
Mobile: +420 730 181 720